Are You Interested In Good Lessons From A Bad Woman? Come To Roosevelt Island Public Library Tonight at 6:30 To Learn More
The Roosevelt Island Public Library (524 Main Street) is presenting Good Lessons From A Bad Woman, a one-woman show starring Dorothy Leeds tonight at 6:30 PM. According to Ms Leeds:
Good Lessons from Bad Women, a devilishly funny one-woman show, our lead character, Dorothy, wrestles with the concept of goodness and dives deep into a world where good is bad and bad is good.
Instructed from childhood by her mother to be a “good girl” like the ever-virtuous Eleanor Roosevelt, Dorothy wonders what might be on the other side of goodness. As she begins a journey from rebellion to reconciliation, she visits a series of infamous, disreputable women from different time periods and backgrounds.
In seven vignettes and frequent conflicts with Eleanor Roosevelt, Dorothy learns from these fascinating women by becoming each one and imparting the subtle lessons they teach. By the play’s triumphant ending, she has gleaned wisdom from the original sinner, Eve, the guilt-free Mae West, the opportunistic Emperor Wu, the image-building Kathryn Kelley, the litigious Elizabeth Freeman and the nymphomaniacal Anne Bonney.
Good Lessons from Bad Women celebrates the good and bad in all of us.