Monday, January 9, 2012

Does RIOC Have Authority To Regulate NYC Licensed Mobile Food Trucks On Roosevelt Island? Outdoor Food Vendors, Community Space and Island House Privatization On Agenda For RIOC Directors Real Estate Committee Meeting January 11

You Tube Video of Daniella on Design - Gourmet Food Trucks

As reported in this previous post on Mobile Food Truck access to Roosevelt Island:
...The answer to the question previously posed whether RIOC believes it has the right to ban food trucks on Roosevelt Island public streets which have all appropriate licenses from NYC and can provide service to any other NYC neighborhood is yes, at least according to the Real Estate Committee. The Committee was unsure where that authority came from though RIOC's attorney believes that the RIOC NY State enabling legislation provides for that power. The attorney noted he would check to see if his impression is correct.

RIOC Real Estate Committee chair Howard Polivy hopes to have a Mobile Food Truck policy established by the January RIOC Board meeting.
The issue of Roosevelt Island Mobile Food Trucks, Street Vendors (there is a difference between the two), Community Space and Island House Privatization are on the Agenda for January 11 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Directors Real Estate Committee meeting. According to RIOC:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Real Estate Development Advisory Committee of the RIOC Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. at the RIOC administrative office, 591 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, New York.
1. Discussion of Street Vending Licenses on Roosevelt Island;
2. Review of RIOC-Controlled Community Spaces;
3. Chair’s Motion for Executive Session to Review and Discuss the Status of Privatization/Affordability Plan and Ground Lease Extension for Island House.
More on Roosevelt Island Mobile Food Truck issue from previous post.

Not much is known publicly about the Island House privatization because these discussions are held in Executive Session meaning that that they are secret. More information on RIOC and NY State Executive Session policies from previous posts.

An audio web cast of the meeting will be available a few days after the meeting.

UPDATE 4:20 PM - A Reader using the name Not So Common Sense believes that RIOC does have the power to ban licensed NYC Mobile Food Trucks from Roosevelt Island commenting:
Yes they do, as the rioc legislature from 1988 allows rioc to put up signs as they seem fit for the purpose of flowing traffic on the island.

A easy way to not allow the vendors on the island is to simply put up signs of " no standing" everywhere. If its at a metered spot, it has to move every 2 hours, which is not always feasible for a food truck.

The traffic signs on roosevelt island do not have to be approved by nys dot for the purpose of putting them up. Legislature gave rioc that authority on their own. If you ever look closely at a sign on main street, it does not say nyc dot.

This is one way rioc can not allow vendors here. Either way, your screwed if they want them off island. 
I don't know why but the comment from Not So Common Sense was not on the Disqus commenting system. Please let me know if anyone is having trouble with writing comments to post.