Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Roosevelt Island Mom With Sick Child Denied Entry On Red Bus With Open Baby Stroller - Is Driver's Discretion Working?

Image of Unfolded Stroller On Red Bus During  Rush Hour Last Month

An update to this post on new Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) policy allowing open baby strollers on the Red Bus at the discretion of bus drivers.

During last Wednesday's January 2012 meeting of the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council, RIRA President Matt Katz reported that a mother returning home from a hospital emergency room visit for her sick child on a very cold day was denied entry on the Red Bus with an open stroller by the Red Bus Driver even though, according to the mother, there was ample room on the bus for an open stroller.  The mother went to RIOC to complain about this incident.

During the discussion it was pointed out that open baby strollers are not permitted on NY City buses.

Here's the discussion.

You Tube Video of RIRA Open Baby Stroller On Red Bus Discussion

I asked RIOC for a comment on this incident last Thursday and was told they are looking into it.

It was also reported during the discussion that people in wheelchairs are not allowed to get on or off the Red Bus at the Tram Station Stop but must use the subway Red Bus Stop and then make their way to the Tram. According to RIRA Planning Committee Chair Frank Farance, the reason for this is that there is currently no curb at the Tram Red Bus Stop but that will soon be fixed and then wheelchair users will be able to use the Tram Bus Stop.