Friday, February 3, 2012

Early Tuesday Morning Arrest Of 2 Suspects At Roosevelt Landings For Criminal Trespass, Disorderly Conduct, Open Container, Obstructing Governmental Adminsistration - Two Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officers Injured, Treated and Released

Image of Roosevelt Island Public Safety Shield From RIOC

Yesterday, I sent the following inquiry to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Vice President of Operations Fernando Martinez and Public Safety Department Chief Keith Guerra:
The 2/1 - 2/2 Public Safety Report indicates
Criminal Trespass/Disorderly Conduct/Open Container/Obstructing Governmental Administration - Two subjects arrested.

Can you provide additional details as to what happened. Where, what time, were Roosevelt Island residents involved, anybody injured and any other relevant information.
RIOC's spokesperson responded:
This incident occurred early this morning (2/2/12) at 12:21am at Roosevelt Landings.
Two PSD Officers were injured, and were treated and released.
No other information provided.