Early Tuesday Morning Arrest Of 2 Suspects At Roosevelt Landings For Criminal Trespass, Disorderly Conduct, Open Container, Obstructing Governmental Adminsistration - Two Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officers Injured, Treated and Released
Yesterday, I sent the following inquiry to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Vice President of Operations Fernando Martinez and Public Safety Department Chief Keith Guerra:
The 2/1 - 2/2 Public Safety Report indicatesRIOC's spokesperson responded:
Criminal Trespass/Disorderly Conduct/Open Container/Obstructing Governmental Administration - Two subjects arrested.
Can you provide additional details as to what happened. Where, what time, were Roosevelt Island residents involved, anybody injured and any other relevant information.
This incident occurred early this morning (2/2/12) at 12:21am at Roosevelt Landings.No other information provided.
Two PSD Officers were injured, and were treated and released.