NYPD Canine Unit Dog Starts Day Exercise Training On Roosevelt Island, Ends Day Tracking Suspect In Brooklyn Subway With Infrared Camera
Reported previously on the NYPD Canine Unit which trains on Roosevelt Island including at the temporary Southtown K -9 Obstacle Course.
The NY Times City Room Blog reported yesterday on a new member of the K9 NYPD who trains on Roosevelt Island:
Apache, a two-year-old German shepherd, tracked the suspect down a pitch-black passageway in the Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall subway station the other day, helped by the oldest of canine technology, his nose, and bearing the newest, an infrared camera harnessed to his back.Click here for entire NY Times City Room Blog article.
The camera transmitted images in real time to one of Apache’s trainers, Officer Richard Geraci, who stood a safe distance away as he followed the dog’s movements on a small monitor strapped to his wrist like an oversize watch.
The suspect was actually another officer and the exercise was part of a recent six-hour training session for Apache and his fellow trainees — Tank, Elvis and Ranger — who are the newest members of the Police Department’s transit bureau K-9 unit.
Officer Geraci and Officer Wayne Rothschild were leading the dogs and their handlers through exercises in criminal apprehension, tracking and agility, starting on Roosevelt Island....
Still no explanation from Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) regarding this 1/18 - 1/19 Public Safety Incident report involving the NYPD K-9 unit at Lighthouse Park:
Investigation - At Lighthouse Park. Complaint against NYPD K-9 Training.