Friday, February 3, 2012

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Board Of Director Nominee Candidates Discuss Issues At Last Night's Forum - Come Out To Vote and Keep RIOC Accountable With Elected Board Members Says Assembly Member Kellner

As reported in this previous post about the February 7 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Director Nominees election, last night was an opportunity to hear the candidates discuss issues of concern to the Roosevelt Island community and for residents to ask questions of the candidates. Here's what happened.

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) President Matt Katz, who moderated the evening, presented an overview of the reason for the election (representative democracy), its history and introduced the candidates who then made a brief introductory statement.

You Tube Video Of Meet the RIOC Board Nominee Candidates (part 1)

Roosevelt Island Assembly Member Micah Kellner then spoke about the importance of a large turnout for the election in order for it to have any credibility with Governor Cuomo and urged everyone to tell their friends and neighbors to come out to vote on February 7. Mr. Kellner also noted that when he first got elected he was told that the RIOC Board was unaccountable, RIOC doesn't listen to the residents, the staff runs wild and the Board members don't represent the community but that has changed now with elected residents sitting on the RIOC Board who are accountable. Mr. Kellner indicated that he would again try to get legislation passed to require elected representation of the RIOC Board and not just elections to  recommend Board members.

You Tube Video of Meet The RIOC Board Nominee Candidates (part 2)

A resident question and answer period with the RIOC Board Nominee Candidates followed

You Tube Video of Meet the RIOC Board Nominee Candidates (part 3)

and closing candidate statements.

You Tube Video of Meet the RIOC Board Nominee Candidates (part 4)

More information is available here including statements from some of the candidates. Remember that if you want to have a say in how Roosevelt Island is governed and services provided it is very important that you come out to vote on February 7 for three of the eight candidates and urge your friends and neighbors to do the same.

No matter who you vote for, all of the candidates should be thanked for their willingness to serve Roosevelt Island in a time consuming, non-paying position and trying to improve the community in which we all live.