Friday, April 27, 2012

Update On Roosevelt Island Main Street Retail - Organic Grocer and Wine Shop Leases Signed, Subway Sandwich, Europan Bakery and Child School Still Not Signed Says Hudson Related

Reported last week on 5 new leases signed by retail Master Leaseholder Hudson Related for Roosevelt Island's Main Street:

...Retail leasing activity includes new tenants and renewals, including:
·         Island Spirts, a new wine and liquor store will open at 605 Main St. The island has been without a wine store for several years.
·         Wholesome Direct, a gourmet and organic natural food market at 530 Main St.
·         Europan Bakery Cafe at 503 Main St. will offer fresh gourmet foods, beverages and baked goods.
·         Subway Sandwich at 513 Main St. will offer sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
·         The Child School is opening a 7,000 square foot fine arts center at the upper floor of 504 Main St, which will be complementary space to the School’s other existing facilities on Roosevelt Island and will include art, music, drama and dance studios....
Last Wednesday, Hudson Related representative Andrew Jackson met with a group from the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Main Street Retail Committee to discuss what is happening with the Main Street retail situation.

During the meeting it was learned that the announcement of 5 new signed Main Street leases was a bit premature. Mr. Jackson reported that the only leases for Roosevelt Island's Main Street that have been signed are for the Wine Store and Organic food market, which are owned by the same person, at $45 per square foot. The Subway Sandwich Shop, Europan Bakery and Child School leases are close to being signed but not yet signed. A handshake deal has been made with Trellis and Gallery RIVAA but no signed lease yet.

The discussion included these topics among others:
  • the fate of existing stores such as Trellis, Gallery RIVAA and the Thrift Shop, 
  • the removal of windows from Roosevelt Landings Arcade, 
  • garbage removal from sidewalk in front of Rivercross if the Subway and Europan Bakery or any other restaurant leases are signed, 
  • sit down restaurant,
  • a full service drug store (prohibited in Norhtown by Gristedes lease provision and prohibited in Southtown by Duane Reade lease provision, 
  • pet stores don't seem to be interested in Roosevelt Island due to lack of foot traffic,
  • Status of Public Library for first floor of 504 Main Street,
  • the issue of a conflict of interest if the lease with the Child School is signed for 504 Main Street because the Child School Executive Director Sal Ferrera is a Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) director who will be involved in issues concerning Hudson Related's Ground Lease Modification for Southtown Buildings 7-9
Here's what happened during the meeting.

You Tube Video of Roosevelt Island Main Street Retail Meeting

You Tube Video of Roosevelt Island Main Street Retail Meeting