Glee Filming In New York City This Weekend - Rumor That Glee Will Be Filming On Roosevelt Island Sunday Evening - RIOC Says No Roosevelt Island Sunday Glee Shoot
On Location Vacations tweeted:
GLEE for SUNDAY in NYC rumor they're filming @ Battery Park Ferry Terminal in AM,Bathesda Fountain in afternoon, Roosevelt Island in eveningI asked the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) if it was true that Glee will be filming on Roosevelt Island tomorrow. RIOC's Press Spokesperson replied:
— olv (@olv) July 14, 2012
There is no Glee film shoot.Other reports have Glee filming next Sunday on Roosevelt Island.
Glee will be filming next Sunday in 3- : Roosevelt Island for NYC skyline at 5pm (via @MoncheleForLife )…
— Ms Leanatic(@GleeIsAllINeed) July 14, 2012