RIOC Reports No Injuries During August 15 Roosevelt Island Unauthorized Distribution Of Written Materials Incident, More Info On July Blackwell Fountain Exposure Incident and July Public Safety Botter
Reported August 19 on a Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department incident involving the:
08/15 - 1210 - 591 Main St. - Distribution Of Unauthorized Written Material - Condition CorrectedComments on the incident from readers included:
Written material must now be authorized? Do we need to procure stamps for our documents from PSD to demonstrate that our writings have been approved?and:
That's bizarre ... What could PSD possibly determine to be "unauthorized" written material? Seems like a great opportunity to request the full reports via FOIL.and:
i suspect PSD isn't making determinations of what's "unauthorized" based on the content of the written material. my assumption is that the incident involved somebody trying to post a handbill or something on a tree, lamp post, or the like, which is generally prohibited. at a minimum, this shows the need for more transparent descriptions of violations in the police blotter when we're talking about violations of obscure administrative code provisions.On August 16 I sent the following inquiry, with subsequent follow-ups to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Public Safety Department Chief Keith Guerra:
The 8/15 - 16 Public Safety Report indicates:On August 30, received the following reply from RIOC's Press Spokesperson:
08/15 - 1210 - 591 Main St. - Distribution Of Unauthorized Written Material - Condition CorrectedWhat was being distributed and what does "distribution of unauthorized written material" mean?
Please provide additional details as to what occurred during this incident?
Thank you.
the incident took place on Wednesday, August 15 at 9:54 am in the 591 Courtyard, and there were no injuries.No other response regarding the incident.
On Wednesday, July 18, I sent the following inquiry to Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra:and received this response on July 20 from RIOC's Press Spokesperson:
The 7/17 -18 daily Public Safety Report indicates:
Exposure of a Person - PSD arrested the subjectPlease provide information as to where the incident occurred, what time of day, what were the ages of the subject and victim and any other information that the Roosevelt Island community should be made aware of regarding this incident.
Also, was this incident related to any of the previous Exposure incidents occurring on Roosevelt Island recently.
Thank you.
With regard to the exposure of a person, the incident took place on 7/17/12 at 3:17 p.m. at 500 Main Street (Blackwell Park). No injuries there either.RIOC's July Monthly Public Safety Blotter has some additional information regarding the Exposure Incident:
7/17/2012 500 Main St ARREST Male observed at fountain in his under clothes exposing his intimate area. Male was issued summons and released.Below is the full RIOC Monthly Public Safety Blotter for July 2012. Other incidents include:
- 7/3/2012 540 Main St Female victim stated dog feces was found in front of her door as well as in the elevator. Maintenance on scene to correct the condition. Search of area for source yielded negative results.
- 7/22/2012 465 Main St NYPD, FDNY, OEM and DEP on scene for report of hazardous substance at location after female found three deceased squirrels. Female suggests these animals were poisoned. Upon investigation no poison was detected.
- 7/16/2012 N/O 888 Main St Father of youth male involved in a dispute with female tennis instructor at location due to instructor yelling at youth for accidentally hitting her with a tennis racket. Instructor was spoken to and both parties went their separate ways.
- 7/3/2012 1142 2nd Avenue Manhattan Tram Plaza Dispute between Tram employee and passenger over not paying the fare for her son. Upon arrival to the RI side of the Tram the passenger swiped her metro card.
- 7/5/2012 R/O 900 Main St Male observed using an unauthorized grill at location. Male was advised of parks rules and regulations and complied without incident.
- 7/12/2012 400 Main St Male reporter advised unknown male subject shoved his wife on 7/11/12 but did not report it right away. No injuries to report. Reporter entered PSD again stating he was waiting at location to see if he saw unknown male. Reporter was advised to not take matters into his own hands. Reporter left the location.
- 7/15/2012 540 Main St Report of female in laundry room of location with two dogs. Upon arrival female was advised of regulations and female complied.
- 7/17/2012 888 Main St Flyer observed at location indicating a bbq to take place at Lighthouse Park. Area to be monitored.
- 7/27/2012 900 Main St Report of unauthorized grill at location. Upon investigation grill was
authorized via permit for private party. All in order. - 7/5/2012 579 Main St ARREST Male subject observed striking male victim in the face. Subject was placed into custody, issued summons and released
- 7/1/2012 851 Main St ARREST Dog observed unleashed at location. Upon investigation dog did not have license. Summonses issued.
- 7/14/2012 R/O 900 Main St Male was in possession of cooler filled with alcoholic beverages which are prohibited at location. Alcohol contained inside cooler was confiscated and male was warned and admonished
- 7/19/2012 910 Main St ARREST Two male subjects observed in vehicle unlawfully. Subject #1 in possession of marijuana and an open container under the legal drinking age. Subject #2 observed with open container under the legal drinking age. Subject #1 taken into custody and transported to 114 Pct for arrest processing. Subject #2 issued summons and released. Owner of vehicle contacted and on scene to pick up vehicle.
- 7/22/2012 576 Main St ARREST Report of unleashed dog at location. Upon arrival dog was
observed unleashed and without an owner. Owner has been warned and admonished several times for the same incident. Owner contacted and arrived at PSD to retrieve the dog. Owner was issued summons - 7/3/2012 400 Main St Report of two males being assaulted at location. Both victims stated their cell phones were stolen and they struggled with the subjects but they fled the scene. Search of area for subjects yielded negative results. NYPD notified.
- 7/5/2012 510 Main St NYPD on scene for report of burglary. Victim states laptop computer,
wallet, jewelry and various items of clothing were taken. Apartment was in complete disarray. - 7/11/2012 506 Main St Reporter advised upon arrival to location several gaming systems. NYPD on scene for report. Finger printing squad responded to lift finger prints as well. No alarm system at location. Other incidents of this nature has taken place in the past.
- 7/19/2012 546 Main St Reporter advised on 7/18/12 when he returned home his ipad and camera were missing. Victim advised he only had the slam lock on the door. No other items missing. Neighboring tenant saw an unknown male at location. No signs of forced entry or door tampered with. Service to change locks.
The up to date Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety reports are included on Roosevelt Islander's sidebar column.