Here's A Sneak Peak At Cornell NYC Tech Plans For Roosevelt Island Campus - Presentation To Community Board 8 Task Force Tonight At 6:45 PM
Reported last Monday that:
The Cornell NYC Tech Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) officially began today with certification by NYC Planning Department....Later tonight, Cornell NYC Tech will be presenting their plan to the Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Task Force:
Meeting Date:Last Tuesday, Cornell NYC Tech representatives gave a preview of their plans to Roosevelt Island residents. Here's what happened beginning with:
Monday, October 22, 2012 - 6:45pm
Meeting Location:
The Manhattan Park Theater Club
8 River Road
Roosevelt Island, NY
1. An update by Cornell University on the Technology Graduate School on Roosevelt Island
2. Feedback from Roosevelt Island residents on their issues/concerns
An introduction by Assembly Member Micah Kellner and Cornell NYC Tech Vice President Cathy Dove
Background review by Andrew Winters Director of Capitol Projects and Planning for Cornell NYC Tech
Skidmore Owings Associate Director Colin Koop discusses the Master Plan For The Cornell NYC Tech Campus.
Morphosis Architect Scott Lee discusses plans for first Cornell NYC Tech Academic Building
Fried Frank Attorney Melanie Myers discusses zoning and Land Use issues for Roosevelt Island Cornell NYC Tech project.(in two parts - there is a bit of overlap between part a and b)
Part B Of Land Use presentation.
Review of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Finally Questions and answers from Roosevelt Island residents to the Cornell NYC Tech representatives. Questions focused on concerns regarding demolition, construction and transportation among others. Cornell has stated that they do not intend to barge any construction material on or off the site but rather will truck the materials during regular daytime working hours.
According to Mr. Winters, Cornell plans on reducing the amount of truck traffic trips by 30 - 40%. It will do so by using some of the demolished rubble material from Goldwater Hospital to raise the level of the campus site out of the floodplain.
More on the Roosevelt Island Cornell NYC Tech project at previous posts including image renderings and tons of information from the Environmental Impact Statement..