Thursday, October 25, 2012

Zombies Invade Roosevelt Island This Saturday October 27 - Run Away Or At Least In NYCRUNS Halloween Themed Race Then Join The Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade And Extravaganza

If you are out and about Roosevelt Island this Saturday morning be very, very careful. I have it on good authority that Zombies will be hunting for fresh and tasty Roosevelt Islanders.

Image From NYC Runs

Well actually it's not quite that bad. No need to worry that the Walking Dead will take a huge, bloody bite out of your body parts and turn you into a Roosevelt Island Zombie. What is happening is that the folks at NYCRUNS are putting together a Halloween themed run around Roosevelt Island.

According to NYC RUNS:
NYC RUNS Present The Most Death Defying Race Ever - ZOMBIES TAKE MANHATTAN!

Zombies Will Invade Roosevelt Island; Humans Will Fight To Prevail.

On Saturday, October 27th NYC-based Race Production Company, NYCRUNS, will transform Roosevelt Island into a refuge for humans in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies.

Zombies Take Manhattan is a race created on the premise that an apocalyptic occurrence has left the New York Metropolitan Area densely packed with walking corpses. Roosevelt Island has become a last refuge for New Yorkers, but the zombies have now invaded, pushing the survivors into the most remote parts of the island.

This will be the inaugural effort by NYCRUNS of producing a race involving zombies. NYCRUNS founder Steve Lastoe believes that Zombies Take Manhattan serves as a great opportunity for runners to get into the Halloween spirit and certainly makes doing a 5K more interesting.

“This is just going to a great fun running event – something a little over the top. It could be the coolest thing we ever do.”

A hybrid of flag football and capture the flag, having a plethora of marathon wins under your belt will have not necessarily have any bearing on the outcome of this race. Participants can register for Zombies Take Manhattan as either a Human or a Zombie.

Humans will be faced with barrage of challenges as they outrun those pesky zombies and save their fellow humans. There are three different refuges humans must race to in order to receive a token representing the people they’ve saved. If they succeed in returning to HQ, they survive another day, and earn the accolades the fellow survivors.

Sporting zombie attire, the walking dead will also race. With a strong affinity for brains, they’ll be roaming the island, striving to eat the humans (a flag will represent their brain) and terrorize the masses. He who gets the most brains wins!

Zombies and humans who do particularly well will be awarded prizes. Post-racers can partake in The End Of The World Celebration with fresh fruits, bagel sandwiches, and more, (sorry, no brains). This post-apocalyptic party with also include local 80s cover band The Fades.

Registration for Zombies Take Manhattan is $50. The race will begin at 8:30 AM and terminates at 10 AM. For more information on Zombies Take Manhattan, go to ZombiesTake.
Register for the Roosevelt Island Zombie experience here.

Then, after succumbing to or beating back the Zombie menace take a stroll in the Roosevelt Island Annual Halloween Parade

Image From Roosevelt Island Youth Program

Enjoy the Roosevelt Island Halloween activities this Saturday.