Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Roosevelt Island Larceny Reported At Manhattan Park 30 River Road - September Monthly Blotter Incidents Include Assault, Exposure, Gas Leak, Skateboarders, Large Crowds & More

The 10/20 -21 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Report indicated:
10/20 - 1327 - 30 River Road - Larceny - NYPD Filed a report
I asked RIOC Public Safety Department Director Keith Guerra:
Did the incident happen inside or outside the building, what was the item stolen, anybody injured and can you please provide any other additional details so that the Roosevelt Island community and residents of Manhattan Park are aware of what happened.
RIOC's Press Spokesperson replies:
The Roosevelt Island PSD responded to assist the NYPD, who were already at 30 River Rd. There were no injuries. For any other questions, contact the NYPD.
Below is the September Monthly Public Safety Blotter. Incidents include:
  • 9/14/2012 694 Main St Dispute between Postal Employee and package recipient with regard to delayed delivery. Recipient became irate and using profanity towards employee. Recipient left the location without incident.
  • 9/11/2012 400 Main St Found wallet. Owner contacted and advised to come to PSD to retrieve property.
  • 9/2/2012 546 Main St Report of gas leak at location.  Super on scene.  Upon investigation stove was left on. Stove was turned off and windows were opened.  Tenant not at home.  Door was secured by Super.  No property damage or injuries to report.
  • 9/16/2012 Opp 750 Main St Large holes observed in the field of location caused by construction of children's jungle gym.  Caution tape placed around area.
  • 9/9/2012 300 Main St Victim reported unknown male acted in a lewd and inappropriate manner.  Matter referred to detectives for investigation.
  • 9/10/2012 455 Main St Male victim advised unknown male subject grabbed him in front of location.  Victim advised he was able to break free and run.  Search of area for subject yielded negative results.  NYPD on scene for report.
  • 9/10/2012 Adj. 543 Main St Report of male youths skateboarding at location.  Youths warned and admonished and escorted from the location.
  • 9/2/2012 910 Main St Large crowd of 150 - 250 people at location unlawfully.  All units responded and advised the crowd to leave the location.  All parties left the location without incident.
  • 9/13/2012 576 Main St ARREST  Two male subjects observed at location acting in a disorderly manner fighting with one another.  Both subjects were advised to disperse but disobeyed lawful order.  Both subjects were taken into custody, issued summonses and released.
  • 9/2/2012 S/O 1 Main St ARREST  Male observed exposing himself at location.  Subject was taken into custody, issued summons and released.
  • 9/8/2012 400 Main St ARREST  Female motorist observed driving in the wrong direction on a one way roadway.  Upon investigation female had an open warrant.  Female was taken into custody and transported to 114 Precinct for arrest processing.  Vehicle was towed.
  • 9/13/2012 200 Main St ARREST Male and female subject observed at location unlawfully exposing themselves in public.  Both subjects were taken into custody, issued summonses and released.
  • 9/22/2012 688 Main St ARREST  Two male subjects observed with open containers.  Upon approach males became combative and fled the scene.  Both subjects were apprehended causing injury to officers.  Subjects were also in possession of marijuana.  Both subjects transported to the 114 Precinct for arrest processing.
  • 9/17/2012 580 Main St Motorist performed an unauthorized move in at location parking his vehicle in an unauthorized location disobeying traffic signs posted.  Motorist was advised of condition and refused to comply with lawful order.  Motorist was issued summons for moving violation and
  • 9/5/2012 560 Main St Male victim advised two male subjects lead him to the location and took $51 in U.S. currency from his person and fled the scene.  NYPD requested and on scene but victim refused report and left the area.

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Statistics for 2012 thru September are here.