Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Roosevelt Island Moms Helping Each Other Out - Here's How To Join

Are you a Roosevelt Island Mom interested in making new friends, sharing ideas and learning about activities for you and your children. If so, Eva B, has some valuable information for you and others in this comment to previous post by Juliana, a Roosevelt Island Mom who grew up here and returned to raise her child. From Eva B:
HI Juliana, thank you so much for your initiative!  We have a Roosevelt Island Parents e-mail list which you and everyone interested is very welcome to join here:

(it is called "babies" because our children were babies when we started it, but they are growing and there are moms with children up to 6 years old now. You have to have or create a google account in order to join).

There are currently over 90 moms on the list and we are sharing many ideas, about activities with children for stay at home moms, daycare options, selling or donating items, contacts to RI babysitters etc. Once you join, you can check out all past posts on the website.

Also, I just became a RIRA Common Council member and one of my goals is to create a comprehensive family guide for Roosevelt Island parents, published and updated regularly either in the WIRE or/and on this Blog (perhaps as a special section here). I already put together a calendar with activities for parents with young children on RI and close-by which was published here a few months ago. I fully agree with you that we need one place where as much as possible information can be found (I just learned two days ago from one mom that there are dance classes here on the island for children starting 18 months of age I didn't know about).

Another two things we are currently working on besides the Family Guide is a Play room share project, where moms host open play sessions in their buildings play rooms for the winter, as well as trying to organize Baby/Toddler swim classes on the island.

It would be great to work together on all this.

All my best,