Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Updates On Roosevelt Island Main Street Retail, Steam Plant and Young Adult Program On Agenda For RIOC Real Estate Committee Meeting Tonight - Also Executive Session On Library Renovation And Southtown Building 7-9 Ground Lease Negotiation

Image of NYC Council Member Lappin, NYPL President Anthony Marx and Roosevelt Island Kids

According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Real Estate Development Advisory Committee of the RIOC Board of Directors will be held on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. at the RIOC administrative office, 591 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, New York.


1. Hudson/Related Update on Main Street Retail
2. Steam Plant Update
3. Young Adult Program Update
4. Chair's Motion for Executive Session to Review and Discuss:
a) 504 Main Street Library Renovation Update
b) Southtown Buildings 7, 8 and 9 Ground lease Negotiations Update
5. Any Other Committee Business That May be Brought Before the Committee
An audio webcast of the meeting will be available soon thereafter.

More on Roosevelt Island library renovation at 504 Main Street from previous post.

UPDATE 11/21 - Here's the audio web cast of the 11/20 RIOC Real Estate Committee meeting.