Roosevelt Island Sportspark Pool Re-Opens After Closure Last Month - Get Back In The Pool On Monday November 26
Update to previous post on closure of Roosevelt Island Sportspark pool for repairs.
Earlier today, I received this inquiry from a reader:
Dear Roosevelt Islander,According to this Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) advisory received this afternoon:
Do you have any news on the status of the swimming pool at the SportsPark center?
I went to RIOC recently and they could only tell me "it is closed until further notice". No more details.
You may have already covered this news in your blog, but I missed that post.
I would appreciate whether you could provide me with a quick update. Many other regular swimmers from SportsPark I know are also concerned about this issue.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Sports Park Pool ReopeningYou can soon get back in the pool.
Pool will resume regular schedule starting Monday November 26 at 6am.
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group