Roosevelt Island Garden Club Controversy Makes Front Page Of New York Times Today - Sex, Adultery, Misspending & Bullying Charges, Who Would Have Thunk It?
It's hard to believe but the Roosevelt Island Garden Club insurrection, first reported here almost two weeks ago, was the subject of a NY Times front page story today.
According to the NY Times:
It started with the accusations of sex behind the back pond. Of late-night parties that begot stitches and adultery. Favoritism. Misspending. Bullying...Click here for the entire article and here for previous posts on subject.
... So goes life these days at the Roosevelt Island Garden Club, where palace intrigue surrounding the garden presidency has grown as abundant as the daffodils, organic vegetables and lazy cats that populate this speck of earth in the middle of the New York City map.
This is no garden-variety garden dispute. After all, in a neighborhood where most people are renters, a patch of flowers and shrubbery to call one’s own is no insignificant thing — especially when the waiting list for such a plot can outstrip the lines for the most coveted kindergartens....