Friday, April 12, 2013

iDig2Learn Celebrates Love Your Block Love Your Earth With Roosevelt Island Family Friendly Outdoor Plantings And Fun Activities On April 20 - Sign Up And Register

Roosevelt Island resident Christina Delfico is the founder of iDig2Learn:
A hands-on program where children explore science, math and healthy food through plant life.
Image From iDig2Learn

According to iDig2Learn:
iDig2Learn's purpose is to unite the community around the idea that city children benefit greatly from time outdoors in nature using their environment to explore science, math and the origin of food through plant life.

​iDig2Learn believes that working together to create green spaces, including science gardens, builds knowledge and creates another source of interest that will strengthen the bonds of friendship in diverse communities for years to come.

​iDig2Learn provides an environment in a real world setting that excites children about food they can grow. Often city children do not get to connect with nature and this educational garden program is a hands on experience within their natural world....
Ms. Delfico is inviting the Roosevelt Island Community to:
Save the date . . . Saturday, April 20th

Love Your Block, Love Our Earth - Come on out to this family friendly event on Saturday, April 20th. Join the festivities with flower power as we celebrate Earth Day and plant outdoors together and participate in fun activities. Make your mark. Beautify our island.

Event activities include planting colorful flowers, uncovering the Earth's treasure with an archaeological dig activity, creating sculpture from nature and an art project to celebrate our Earth and more. This will be a fun day outdoors rain or shine and a great way to show some love to our island, our little patch of Earth.

10 AM activities begin for K to 3rd grade

1PM activities for 4th through 6th grade

There are 2 ways to register, find the iDig2Learn table at the Cherry Blossom Festival on April 13, 2013 or email directly.

Check in, day of will be on the ground floor of the Motorgate Gallery next to Gristedes beginning at 9:45 AM for the 10 am session and 12:45 pm for the 1 pm session.

iDig2Learn is organizing this event with a grant from Citizens Committee for NYC and NYC Service in collaboration with Roosevelt Island PTA, RI Youth Program, P.S./ I.S. 217, RIOC, RIRA, Gristedes, Manhattan Park, Urban American, The Hudson Companies, Starbucks and others.

Please be aware that the event has been adjusted slightly because of aproposed construction plan to renovate the large rectangular bed area in the bus turnaround plaza to solve leakage problems and create wheelchair sidewalk ramps. So since the area may be boarded off the bed in summer we will focus our "beautifying" to the curbside sidewalk area close to Gristedes, add more planters on that Gristedes side, filling them in with beautiful plants, flowers & evergreens.
Have fun digging to learn.

More on iDig2Learn from their web site

and from Ms. Delfico's presentation at the April 3 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Session.