Thursday, September 5, 2013

Roosevelt Island AVAC Garbage System Out Of Service On East Side Of Island - NYC Sanitation Dep't Picking Up Garbage By Trucks During Outage

 Image Of Closed Building Garbage Chute Connected To Roosevelt Island AVAC System

Related Management sent the following message to some residents of its Southtown Riverwalk Buildings:
Dear Resident:

We have been notified by the NYC Department of Sanitation that they are having issues with their AVAC system, which performs the garbage removal for the residents of Roosevelt Island. Currently the Department of Sanitation is scheduling manual garbage pick up collections until further notice as they work to rectify the issue.

Residents are encouraged to try to refrain from filling the compactor rooms with garbage, unless absolutely necessary. Please report unsanitary or overcrowded conditions to the concierge staff as we work together to deal with this situation.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and we will bring you more information regarding this matter as it becomes available. We respectfully request that you adhere to the guidelines listed above.
Yesterday, I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato:
Is there any problem with the AVAC garbage system? I have been receiving reports from residents of Riverwalk Southtown buildings that AVAC is out of service and that the Sanitation Department will be picking up garbage by trucks.

Any statement from RIOC on the AVAC problem? Is the AVAC problem limited to Southtown?
Shortly thereafter RIOC issued the following advisory:
Please be advised that the AVAC system is down for repairs on the East side of the Island. The NYC sanitation department will be performing trash pickup for the affected buildings until the issue is resolved.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
Reported in 2010 on a previous shutdown of the AVAC system due to something being stuck in the pipe and more on the Roosevelt Island AVAC system here.