New Voices New Sounds Roosevelt Island Friday Night Music Series At Gallery RIVAA Starting October 18 With Katie Seller And Allegra Levy - Mark Your Calendars, See You There
Mark your Roosevelt Island calendars for a new Friday night music series at Gallery RIVAA starting October 18. According to Gallery RIVAA
Following a successful season of First Sunday Jazz Salon at the RIVAA Gallery, the Roosevelt Island Visual Art's Association is pleased to announce NEW VOICES , NEW SOUNDS @ RIVAAWow - looks great and am looking forward to October 18. See you there.
NEW VOICES, NEW SOUNDS is an innovative and artistically curated music series that showcases fresh talent that is destined to make their mark on the New York jazz scene. With progressive and contemporary sounds that are rooted in the jazz tradition, these new voices bring fresh perspective and an innovative interpretation of the jazz canon to Rooseveltt Islands RIVAA Gallery.
NEW VOICES, NEW SOUNDS begins its fall series on October 18th, and continues on two more Friday evenings at 7 pm: November 15 and December 13th
Admission is a suggested $5 donation at the door.
Katie Seiler and
Allegra Levy