Friday, October 11, 2013

NYPD And Auxiliary Officers Searching For Missing Autistic 14 Year Old Boy On Roosevelt Island Tonight - No Evidence Boy Is Here But Search Is In An Abundance Of Caution Says RIOC PSD Director

Received the following advisory from Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) at 4:47 PM:

To All Island Residents,

Please be advised that the NYPD and its Auxiliary force will be conducting a city wide search, including Roosevelt Island, for a missing mentally challenged child. Please do not be alarmed by the abundance of law enforcement officers in the area.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group

RIOC Public Safety Department Director Jack McManus advises that there could be as many as 75 Auxiliary Officers searching Roosevelt Island for Avonte Oquendo tonight. Mr. McManus adds that there is no specific evidence that he is on Roosevelt Island but the search is being conducted "in an abundance of caution".

More information available from this October 7 WABC New York report:

If you see Avonte Oquendo on Roosevelt Island, please call the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department (212 832 -4545)