Cornell NYC Tech Presentation On Roosevelt Island Campus Open Space Plan And Co-Location Building At Community Board 8 Meeting Tomorrow - NYC Planning Commission On Roosevelt Island/Western Queens Transportation Study Too
The Community Board 8 (CB 8) Roosevelt Island Committee will meet tomorrow to hear presentations from the NYC Department Of City Planning on the Western Queens Transportation/Roosevelt Island Study
and Cornell NYC Tech campus on Roosevelt Island.
According to the Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Committee
Meeting Date:More information on construction of the new Cornell NYC Tech Roosevelt Island campus available here.
Thursday, November 14, 2013 - 6:30pm
Meeting Location:
Manhattan Park Theater Club
8 River Road Roosevelt Island, NY
New York, NY
1. Introduction of new committee public members
2. Presentation by Department of City Planning of its Western Queens Transportation Study which includes the Roosevelt Island Bridge – joint issue with the Transportation Committee
3. Presentation by Cornell of:
a. The schematic design for the co-location building that they will be bringing to the Public Design Commission for preliminary review approval. This will include renderings, site plans, etc
b. The open space plan as part of the commitment to the BP’s office during the ULURP process.
4. Old business
5. New business
Jeffrey Escobar and Laurence Parnes, Co-Chairs
UPDATE 11/16 - Video of the NYC Planning Department Western Queens/Roosevelt Island Transportation Study presentation to CB 8 Roosevelt Island Committee here.