Monday, March 17, 2014

Law And Order SVU Filming On Roosevelt Island Bridge And Tram Station This Morning - Don't Be Alarmed By Uniformed Police Officers Firing Weapons, They're Actors With Blanks

Roosevelt Island resident Vadim Malinsky reports:

Law and Order on my island
Image From Vadim Malinsky

and from the Roosevelt Island Twitterverse:

Law and Order SVU

was filming on the Roosevelt Island Tram last Friday.
This morning, Law and Order SVU is filming on the Roosevelt Island Bridge.

The NYC Office of Emergency Management tweets:
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) adds:
Please be advised that on Monday, March 17th, there will be a film shoot on the Roosevelt Island Bridge from 10 AM until 12:30 PM.

The scene will include actors dressed as uniformed police officers with blank fire adapted weapons. During this time, traffic will be held intermittently. Please plan accordingly for minor delays in the area.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
Law and Order SVU is also filming at the Tram Station today.

Image From Karine Wong

Image From Vadim Malinsky

According to On Location Vacations:
Law and Order: SVU is filming on Main St in Roosevelt Island. They will also be filming around Tramway Plaza.
Trevre Andrews shares these photos of the production crew at the Tram Station.

Images From Trevre Andrews
Another resident trying to get to work this morning adds:
The movie trucks are here, and with construction and fresh direct driving is difficult.
Are you interested in obtaining a permit for filming on Roosevelt Island? If so, here are the rates established by RIOC.

UPDATE 3:45 PM - Roosevelt Island Historical Society President Judy Berdy shares these photos of the Visitors Center Kiosk turned into the F Train Subway Station

Image From Judy Berdy

with Law and Order SVU actor Ice T (Detective Tutuola)

Image From Judy Berdy
