Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Roosevelt Island Question And Answer Session With RIOC Public Safety Director Jack McManus - Will Not Tolerate Abuse, PSD Audit, IG Report, Officer Training, Security Cameras, Coaching Youth, Dog Poop & More

 Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Jack McManus At March 12 RIRA PSC Meeting

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director (PSD) Jack McManus participated in a question and answer session with the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee and other members of our community on March 12.

Mr. McManus discussed a wide variety of Roosevelt Island Public Safety Issues including:
RIRA PSC Chair Erin Feely-Nahem and just about everybody else at the meeting acknowledged and complimented Mr. McManus on the great improvements to the Public Safety Department in the short time he has been here but made clear that improvements still need to be made and that justice for past wrongdoings must not be forgotten.

Mr. McManus emphasized that he will not tolerate any abuse coming from the Public Safety Department and that complaints are down 85% from the 9 months prior to his arrival. He also stressed that its up to everybody, the residents together with the Public Safety Department, to improve the relationship.

Here's the RIRA PSC question and answer with Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Jack McManus.

Prior to the Q and A with Director McManus, there was a Q and A with NYPD 114  Precinct Commander Deputy Inspector Kevin Maloney.

Here's video from September 2013 Q&A with Director McManus.