Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Roosevelt Island Street Lights At Blackwell House, Meditation Steps And West Pier Fixed Says RIOC - Good Shepherd Main Street Lights Still Out, Con Ed Is Working On It

Reported last week on the Roosevelt Island Street lights being out behind Blackwell House and the replacement temporary lights


into some nearby apartments.
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato updates us on the status of the street lights repair by sharing this report today from the RIOC Engineering Department:
After spending a few more hours with Con Edison this evening, all of the lights around Blackwell House and Park have been restored as well as the promenade from the West Pier to Meditation Steps. In addition Good Shepherd Community Center experienced an outage earlier this evening but has now been restored, as for the light poles around the chapel plaza and crosswalk I believe they have also been re-energized but will look into the panel breakers in the morning
During February 20 RIOC Operations Advisory Committee meeting (full audio web cast here), RIOC Director David Kraut reported that Street Lights were out on Main Street near the Good Shepherd Community Center.

RIOC's Engineering Department updates us on the Good Shepherd/540 Main Street lights as well:
... this morning we checked the breakers in our panel box and we still have no power. ... The 2 Ballard's and 3 or 4 street lights at the 540 crosswalk/ bus stop were not restored, they are fed from a different electrical vault which Con Edison is continuing to locate the problem as well as the lights on the chapel plaza.