Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Roosevelt Island Hardware/Video Store Evicted But Holding Everything Must Go Sale Today - New Unopened Wine Store And Chiropractor's Office Receive 30 Day Notice Of Eviction Yesterday

Reported last week that the Roosevelt Island Hardware/Video Store was evicted from its premises by Main Street Master Leaseholder Hudson Related. A reader reports today:

Our hardware store is permanently closed, but the landlord is allowing them to take out their things.

Right now is open and everything is 50% off

If you need anything go first here, you and the Hardware store will benefit....
Bubbles, toys, screws, locks, notebooks, household items.....

I don't know until what time they will be open and if it is only for today
Yesterday, a 30 Day Notice Of Eviction for non-payment of rent was spotted on the doors of the new, but still unopened wine shop and the Chiropractor's Office. According to the Petition, the wine shop is in arrears to Hudson Related for approximately $38,000

and the Chiropractor's office for approximately $21,000.

The notices do not necessarily mean that the stores will be evicted but that legal proceedings have begun and could be part of an ongoing business negotiation between the tenants and Hudson Related.