Thursday, June 25, 2015

Roosevelt Island's Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney Applauds Today's Supreme Court Decision On Affordable Care Act - President Obama Does Too

Image From US Supreme Court

Roosevelt Island's Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney issued statement below in reaction to the King v. Burwell Supreme Court ruling, which upheld tax credits for those who have purchased health insurance through the Affordable Care Act’s federal exchange.
After countless repeal votes and multiple legal challenges, the Affordable Care Act is still standing strong and helping millions of Americans afford health insurance. Today the court dealt a 6-3 blow to the right wing, proving yet again that the Affordable Care Act is here to stay.

“Congressional Republicans have voted 60 times to destroy the Affordable Care Act. Each time they failed. When they realized that strategy was doomed to fail, they made a desperate attempt for a judicial activist solution.

“As Chief Justice Roberts correctly pointed out, ‘Congress passed the Affordable Care to improve health insurance markets, not destroy them.’ With this decision, millions of people can now rest easy knowing that the health insurance they gained through the Affordable Care Act will not be taken away from them. Maintaining affordable coverage is a key component to this legislation that helps Americans ensure their health and the wellbeing of their families.
 President Obama said the following after learning of the Supreme Court's decision today.

The text of the Supreme Court ruling in King v Burwell is here.