Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Netflix Marvel Daredevil Filming At Roosevelt Island Coler Hospital Today - RIOC Discusses Film Permitting And Production Company Financial Donations To Legitimate Community Groups

According to On Location Vacation, the Netflix series Marvel's Daredevil

 Image From The Wrap

is filming today at Roosevelt Island's Coler Hospital.

The May 18 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Advisory Committee discussed permitting procedures (full audio web cast of meeting here) including practices and policies for filming on Roosevelt Island.

RIOC Permits Coordinator Donna Masly outlined the procedures for obtaining a Roosevelt Island film permit.

RIOC Director Michael Shinozaki asked about RIOC policy for local community groups seeking financial contributions from production companies filming on Roosevelt Island.

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Vice President Sherie Helstien said that she asks film production location managers for donations to RIRA.

RIOC President Charlene Indelicato advised that RIOC should not be in a position of deciding which community group is legitimate to receive donation from film production companies.

No decisions were made.

Here's the discussion.

Some may remember that in 2008, former RIOC President Steve Shane threatened former RIRA President Matt Katz with arrest or summons if Mr. Katz continued to solicit financial contributions from productions filming on Roosevelt Island.

Times have changed for the better on Roosevelt Island.