Monday, April 18, 2016

Roosevelt Island Polling Locations For April 19 NY State Democratic And Republican Party Presidential Primary Elections - Who Will It Be For You, Bernie, Hillary, Trump, Cruz Or Kasich?

The NY State Democratic Presidential Primary election between Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State/Senator Hillary Clinton

and Republican Presidential Primary Election between businessman Donald Trump, Senator Ted Cruz and Governor John Kasich

Image From AZ Central

takes place tomorrow, Tuesday, April 19.

The NYC Board Of Elections Poll Site Locator shows the polling location for all Roosevelt Island eligible voters is at PS/IS 217 (645 Main Street) except for Octagon residents who vote at Coler Hospital (900 Main Street). Polls are open from 6 AM - 9 PM.

According to the NYC Board Of Elections:
To vote in the upcoming Presidential Primary, you must be a registered Republican or Democrat. For already registered voters, any change to party enrollment was to have been requested by October 9th, 2015 in order for it to have gone into effect and be applicable for any primary election occurring in 2016 or beyond. The deadline for new voter registrations is March 25th.

More information can be found on our Voting Information Page.
The PBS News Hour reports on the NY State Primary.

This is the first time in 20 years that the NY State Presidential Primary is meaningful to the selection of either Party's nominee.