Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Register Now For Roosevelt Island Youth Program Free Co-ed Fall Soccer Program - Parent Volunteers Needed Too

Roosevelt Island Youth Program (RIYP) Executive Director Charlie Defino reports;

The Roosevelt Island Youth Program 2016 Fall Soccer Registration is now open for youth ages 5 to 16 years of age.

This year will be the 15th anniversary of the Beacon sponsoring this Free Co-Ed program for the youth of Roosevelt Island. Last year over 450 youth registered for this highly competitive recreation program in our 5 divisions, Kinder-Kickers instructional league (5 years of age) and our 4 divisions of competitive recreation soccer, Minors (6 & 7), Sophomores (8,9 and 10), Juniors (11-13) and Seniors (14-16).

Registration forms can be filled out on-line by clicking this link .

Parent interested in helping please fill in the volunteer information section on your child’s application, a free program is only as good as its volunteers. For additional information email the program at RIYPSPORTS@gmail.com.
The RIYP Fall Soccer season starts September 10.

Click here to register for soccer players and coach volunteers.