Rio 2016 Olympics Opening Ceremony And Parade Of Nations Watched On Big Screen From Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Commons Lawn - Global Village For Some, Excessive Noise Volume For Others
The Riverwalk Commons Lawn
was a global village
filled with Roosevelt Island residents
from all over the world watching the 2016 Rio Olympics Opening Ceremony
last Saturday evening, August 5.
Here's first few minutes of the Parade Of Nations led into the Olympic Stadium by Greece
as seen from the Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Lawn.
It was a very nice event for those attending. But, there were complaints from some Riverwalk residents about the excessive noise volume coming from the outside speaker system that could be heard inside the Riverwalk apartments (with closed windows) surrounding the Commons.
The noise was coming not from the Olympics TV Broadcast, but from the sound amplification system used by the event's Master of Ceremony who spoke during the TV commercials.