Tuesday, November 22, 2016

RIRA Government Relations Chair Joyce Short Discusses Grassroots Community Organizing With Roosevelt Island's NY State Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright In MNN TV Interview - "There Has To Be A Difference Between How You Run A Government And How You Run A Corporation" Says Ms. Short

Roosevelt Island's NY State Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright hosted a discussion of grassroots community organizing televised by the Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN). Participating in the discussion was Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Government Relations Committee Chair Joyce Short.

According to MNN:
As the eyes and ears of the city, New Yorkers play an important role in bringing the issues of our communities to the attention of elected officials.

On this episode of “Represent NYC,” District 76 Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright discusses the importance of grassroots community organizing in promoting a better quality of life for all with her guests Elizabeth Patrick, vice president of the East 72nd Street Neighborhood Association, and Joyce Short, committee chair of government operation for the Roosevelt Island Residents Association.
Ms Short reported on:
  • the pecuilar  nature of Roosevelt Island governance by a State Public Benefit Corporation (RIOC) and the resulting difficulties which arise ("there has to be a difference between how you run a business and how you run a government." she said) , and
  • development of the Cornell Tech campus and it's impact on  the quality of life for Roosevelt Island residents.
Ms Short added:
... we were particularly disappointed with the oversight of the impacts of Cornell on the community and as it develops we are hoping our elected officials will help protect the lifestyle of Roosevelt Islanders....
Ms Seawright responded:
and proposed that Cornell Tech provide free classes to Roosevelt Island residents.

Here's the full interview.

Represent NYC: Grassroots Community Organizing with Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright from Manhattan Neighborhood Network on Vimeo.