Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Roosevelt Island And Jackson Heights PS/IS 217 Families Show Support For NYC Council Member Ben Kallos At November 19 Saturday Morning Fundraiser

Roosevelt Island families, mostly parents with children attending our local PS/IS 217 school, as well as Jackson Heights families with children at PS/IS 217

showed their support for our NYC Council Member Ben Kallos

during a November 19 Saturday morning fundraiser held at the Riverwalk Bar & Grill.

PS/IS 217 PTA's Will Sweeney introduced Council Member Kallos and thanked him for his support of the school and Roosevelt Island.

Here's what Mr. Kallos told the families attending the event.

Mr. Kallos spoke of his attempts to fix broken government to improve the lives of Roosevelt Island residents and noted that the next President of the US may be one of the children sitting in the room that day.