Friday, January 6, 2017

Tucker The Young Mute Swan Recovers From Lead Poisoning And Returns To Life On Roosevelt Island With Aid of The Wild Bird Fund - Watch Him Take Off To Visit Long Island City

The Wild Bird Fund reports on the recovery of Roosevelt Island's injured Tucker the Swan:

Tucker is a young mute swan, less than a year old, still dappled brown in his white feathers. When he came to Wild Bird Fund in early November, he was suffering from lead poisoning and had pressure sores on his feet. He was an angry young swan at first, hissing non-stop, but he settled in as soon as he got in the pool. After daily foot baths and medicine to get rid of the lead, Tucker went back to live on Roosevelt Island. We went to visit him on Christmas but Tucker had already taken off to spend the day on the other side of the river. Help us help them.
and shares this video from Wildlife Freedom Foundation (WFF)  President Rossana Ceruzzi of Tucker taking flight from Roosevelt Island's Southpoint Park to visit Long Island City.

The Roosevelt Island based WFF adds:
More info on the Wild Bird Fund available here, the Wildlife Freedom Foundation here and at this previous post.