Tuesday, February 28, 2017

SPONSORED POST - Roosevelt Island Day Nursery NYC Universal Pre Kindergarten Application Deadline March 3

The Roosevelt Island Day Nursery (RIDN) reports:

RIDN NYC Universal Pre Kindergarten (UPK) Application deadline March 3.
RIDN Offers FREE inspired and exciting progressive approaches to learning for young children in all areas of development – from early literacy and math to the arts.

Supportive and nurturing teaching by teams of experienced educators in our small non-profit setting.

Weekly schedules include project-based learning, outside time, music enrichment classes, free healthy snacks and lunches, and much more!

Last day to apply for FREE full day UPK classes has been extended to Friday, March 3! All children with 2013 birthdays are eligible to apply.

Apply online here.

Visit RIDN to learn more about our programs.