Monday, September 25, 2017

British Rocker Jay Aston From Gene Loves Jezebel Hanging Out On Roosevelt Island During NY Stay - Flying The Beautiful Tram

Roosevelt Island resident Katherine Taylor reports:

Thought Roosevelt Islanders might be interested in this – a friend of mine, Jay Aston, is the singer of an internationally known British rock band named Gene Loves Jezebel. He is staying with me here on Roosevelt Island this month, and he has set a new Gene Loves Jezebel song to a video he took from the Roosevelt Island tram and put it up for fans to see.

It turned out great!

A little musical PR for our island…
Here's the Roosevelt Island Tram evening ride video with music from Gene Loves Jezebel new album, Dance Underwater.

Jay Aston will be playing a NYC gig Wednesday September 27 at Berlin.
Asked what does he think of Roosevelt Island,Jay Aston replied:
It will feature in one of my songs. One day

I was talking to a very old friend of mine, a native New Yorker the other day & he was stunned to hear that Roosevelt Island was inhabited! With Cornell Tech arriving, I don’t think it’ll be a secret for too much longer.

A real refuge from & yet, very much a part of this grand city.

A magical place. It has ghosts..
More on Gene Loves Jezebel: