SPONSORED POST - Roosevelt Island Urgent Care Medical Facility, Just Walk In At 520 Main Street 7 Days A Week For Your Medical Needs
According to Roosevelt Island Urgent Care (RIUC):
Our Roosevelt Island facility is located at 520 Main Street.
The medical needs of this 2 mile long historic island on the East River is a perfect landscape for our services.
RIUC is the first health care facility on the Island. Currently local residents must travel to either Manhattan or Astoria, for treatment—a trip that requires the use of a tram, subway, bus or car. Our facility in essence created a full-service medical center for a growing population of 15,000. RIUC is here to serve your needs.
These needs will increase in the near future with the addition of new multi-family developments and the new Cornell NYC Tech campus, which is under construction and due to open this year. The University is relying on our center to tend to the medical needs of the students and faculty. Roosevelt Island Urgent Care is also well positioned to provide services to the many construction workers who are on the Island during the next few years.
Other amenities include:
- Hot and cold complimentary beverage center
- Charging station
- Flat screen TV in waiting room as well as every exam room
- Childrens play area
- And much more!
#BacktoSchool is in full swing. We offer a variety of services: #flushots, on-site cultures and convenient hours! pic.twitter.com/XSZkKb5ju2— KāMIN HEALTH (@kaminhealth) September 15, 2017