Build And Fly Your Own Kite In Honor Of International Peace Day & UN General Assembly At Roosevelt Island FDR Four Freedoms Park Saturday, September 23
The Roosevelt Island FDR Four Freedoms Park (FDR Park) invites you to Build and Fly A Kite to honor International Peace Day and the UN General Assembly. According to the FDR Park:
Let's go a flight a kite!More information and registration at the FDR Park web site.
Saturday, September 23
11am – 4pm
Drop-in to our free kite-making workshops on Saturday at FDR Four Freedoms Park and build your own kite as part of Roosevelt Island's Fall for Arts Festival! In honor of International Peace Day and the UN General Assembly, design your kites with symbols of freedom and peace and then fly them on the great lawn.
12pm – 4pm: Free kite-flying demonstration by acclaimed kite-flier Archie Stewart.
12pm – 1pm: Roosevelt Island branch Library and author Marie Letourneau present a special storytime session at the Park.
1pm – 1:30pm: Real life stories from human rights heroes relating the four freedoms to today’s time.
Activities are free and suitable for all ages. Registration is recommended; drop-in between 11am and 4pm.
Jane Goodall on International Peace Day.
As Ms. Goodall says, small acts of individual kindness contribute to Peace.
UPDATE 1:30 PM - Former Cornell President David Skorton, who was instrumental in bringing Cornell Tech to Roosevelt Island, and current Secretary of the Smithsonian has an International Peace Day Challenge.
I'll hope you'll join me celebrating International Peace Day tomorrow, Sept. 21 and take me up on this #PeaceDayChallenge
— David J. Skorton (@DavidJSkorton) September 20, 2017