Saturday, September 23, 2017

Roosevelt Island NYC OEM Emergency Preparedness Fair Sunday, September 24 At Firefighters Field - Tips And Info On How To Prepare For Hurricanes And All Types Of Emergencies

The NYC Office Of Emergency Management (NYC OEM) is sponsoring NYC Runs 5K & 10K Squirrels Stampede race on Roosevelt Island happening Sunday September 24 including an Emergency Preparedness Fair.

According to NYC OEM:
It’s National Preparedness Month, and the New York City Emergency Management Department is helping Roosevelt Islanders prepare with a preparedness fair and marathon on Sunday, September 24th. The NYCRUNS 5K&10K races will begin at the Roosevelt Island Tram Station – 405 Main Street – with runners heading north along the Manhattan side of the island, looping around Lighthouse Park, then heading south down the Queens side of the island back to the tram station.

NYC Emergency Management Commissioner Esposito will kick off the marathon, and NYC Emergency Management staff and partners will be teaching New Yorkers to prepare for all types of emergencies. The preparedness fair will feature tips and information about preparing for hurricanes, how to make an emergency plan, how to pack a Go Bag, and more.

National Preparedness Month is a month-long, nationwide campaign, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, to promote emergency preparedness and encourage volunteerism. Each September, the NYC Emergency Management Department organizes activities throughout the city and distributes information, host demonstrations, and leads preparedness presentations.
The Roosevelt Island NYC OEM Emergency Preparedness Fair will take at Firefighters Field tomorrow from 8 AM - 11:30 AM.

You can download the new Notify NYC emergency preparedness app
and learn more about hurricane preparedness from NYC OEM.