Monday, April 2, 2018

Resident Asks RIOC Not To Mar View Of East River Waterfront From Roosevelt Island Pier With A Royal Flush Porta Potty

Roosevelt Island resident Adina Grunn reports:

As you can see this porta-potty placement is extremely unfortunate.

 I doubt it was deliberately placed to mar the view over Eleanor’s Pier.

So, could you please ask Royal Flush to move this unit close to the end of the sea-walk (perhaps by the Starbucks garbage enclosure). I’m sure a dire need for Royal Flush could definitely be addressed by walking a quick couple of yards south.
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Information Officer Alonza Robetson replies:
Thank you for forwarding your reader's question. The portasans belongs to our seawall railings contractor who dropped the unit off Friday in preparation for work in that area. Back on site today, after the weekend, the contractor moved the portasans inside the barricades of their approved work area at the Southtown West location.