Socrates Sculpture Park International Outdoor Film Festival Showing Indian Movie Monsoon Wedding Tonight, Only A Short Walk From Roosevelt Island Bridge Or 1 NYC Ferry Stop Away - A Great Spot To Visit
The Socrates Sculpture Park, only a few blocks walk from the Roosevelt Island Bridge or 1 NYC Ferry stop from Roosevelt Island, is celebrating the 20 anniversary year of its International Outdoor Film Festival.
We're proud to be a part of @SocratesPark Outdoor Cinema's 20th anniversary year, kicking off tonight! Every Wednesday @ 7pm you can catch an international film under the stars for free with music and food before the show. Click the link for more details!— NYC Ferry (@NYCferry) July 11, 2018
Tonight, the Socrates Outdoor International Film Festival is showing Monsoon Wedding, from India.Not to mention one @NYCferry stop away! #AstoriaLanding— SocratesPark (@SocratesPark) July 11, 2018
The Socrates Sculpture Park International Outdoor Movie Festival show films every Wednesday evening starting July 11 thru August 29. Check out the schedule here.
More info on Socrates Sculpture Park activities and events available at their web site. Check it out.
It's a great place to visit and so very close to Roosevelt Island.