Friday, April 26, 2019

Good News For Roosevelt Island Transportation This Weekend - F Train To And From Manhattan, Both Tram Cabins Running & East River Ferry Service Too - But How To Solve Ridiculous Tram Overcrowding? Separate Lines, Congestion Pricing For Tourists?

Yay, for a change Roosevelt Island residents will have weekend F Trains running to and from Manhattan, both Tram Cabins operating as well as the East River Astoria Route Ferry service.

But there is still a huge overcrowding problem with Tourists on the Roosevelt Island Tram at what seems to be all times of day and not just on weekends.

Residents are looking for answers from the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) to alleviate the Tram overcrowding. Many residents have asked that separate lines for Roosevelt Island residents/workers be formed for priority boarding over tourists.

A long time resident wrote:

... wouldn't it be fair to have residents and island employees board first, then tourists? So you have two lines. Might stop the groaning. It is getting out of control!
A Tram Staffer responded:
When will people realize a residents-only system would never work?

There's also the possibility of the tourists becoming fed up from waiting themselves and creating unnecessary conflict with the residents as a result. This has happened at the tram before.

Also it might seem fair in hindsight but you have to keep in mind that the tram is a form of public transportation, meaning first come; first serve. The tourists may be overbearing but priority service could cause more problems than solve the pre-existing ones....
I asked the Tram Staffer:
Do you think it is possible to discourage tourists by charging them more to ride the Tram? Say $10 each way. That's much cheaper than going to the Top Of Empire State Building. The MTA has a residents discount program for Verrazano and other Bridges - Why not for the Tram and charge tourists more than residents and workers? Although in practice, not sure how it could work.
Tram Staffer replied:
Well, seeing as how tourists are gullible enough to purchase overpriced food on the island, I could somewhat see this working.
The Roosevelt Island Twitterverse continues the conversation.