Friday, May 17, 2019

Help Save A Life - Roosevelt Island RIRA & RISA Blood Drive Advanced Sign Up Saturday May 18, 25 & June 1 At Good Shepherd Plaza Farmers Market - Blood Donation On June 8 Roosevelt Island Day

You can help save a life by donating blood.

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) will be signing up volunteer donors at Good Shepherd Plaza next to the Saturday Farmers Market tomorrow and the next 3 Saturdays for the annual Roosevelt Island Day June 8 Blood Drive hosted by the Roosevelt Island Seniors Association (RISA).

According to this year's RIRA Roosevelt Island Blood Drive Committee Chair Janine Schaefer
RIRA Blood Drive

Sponsored by Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) and hosted by Roosevelt Island Seniors Association (RISA)

The Blood drive is a big part of Roosevelt Island Day and has been an annual event for years. Volunteers will be sitting at Farmer's Market every Saturday from May 18th until the day of the event June 8th, to help people to sign up to donate in person from 10am to 4pm at the Community Room Senior Center 546 Main Street.

RIRA donated 36 pints of blood positively affecting the lives of over 105 New Yorkers in June 2018. If each donor this year brings a colleague, a family member, a friend or foe. We can double these results.


All donors must provide identification and should eat and be well hydrated prior to blood donation. Appointments are appreciated, but walk-ins welcome.

There is also a link for making online appointments for donating blood during the June 8 Roosevelt Island Day.
Here's a report from 2018 Roosevelt Island blood drive including video explaining how to donate

by two of the RIRA volunteers, Frank Farance and Bafode Drame.

Please help if you can - Donate Blood