Monday, May 13, 2019

Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Students Celebrate Hindu Holi Festival Last Friday, Welcoming Spring And Summer With Colorful Body Paint, Music & Dance

Last Friday, May 10, Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech students were spotted joyously dancing, running around campus in colorful face and body paint.

What was going on? Did the stress and tension of the academic year finally cause some to crack up?

No, what happened was a celebration of the Hindu Holiday of Holi - meant to welcome the coming of Spring and Summer as well as to spread happiness and love.

According to Cornell Tech Students Sat:

... It's a Festival to spread love and inclusivity, where you let go of your pain and suffering and make friends as a group....
and Anmol:
It's a very fun Festival where we put color on each other's faces and everywhere and then we hose them down with water. It's a lot of fun. You guys should try it.

Holi was traditionally celebrated on March 21 this year but Anmol explains why Cornell Tech celebrated last Friday:
Cornell Tech celebrated it last Friday as weather is a bit kinder (it’s not freezing outside ) and the festival of Holi is preferably celebrated outdoors. Also we thought it would be the perfect way to end the semester, which it was.

Almost all universities ( Stanford, Harvard, etc) have their own version of Holi and we were glad to start this tradition at Cornell Tech.
More on the Holi tradition here.