RIOC Board Operations Committee Meeting May 7 - Agenda Includes Executive Session On Pending Litigation And History Of Corporation, Public Session On Roosevelt Island Youth Center Renovations, Lighthouse Park Pedestrian Bridge Replacement, Motorgate Garage Repairs & More
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Advisory Committee is meeting Tuesday May 7. According to RIOC:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Operations Advisory Committee of the RIOC Board of Directors will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 5:30 P.M. at RIOC’s Operations Office, 680 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, New York.UPDATE 2:50 PM - I asked RIOC President Susan Rosenthal:
5:30 P.M. – 6:10 P.M.:
I. Chair’s Motion for Executive Session to Discuss:
1. Pending Litigation
2. Financial History of Corporation
6:10 P.M.:
II. Discussions of:
Amendments to RIOC Procurement Guidelines
Seawall Railing Design and Consulting Services
Lighthouse Park Pedestrian Bridge Replacement
Youth Center Renovations
Motorgate Garage Repairs
On-call Electrical Services
Fire Alarm Monitoring and Repairs at the Tramway
Water Distribution Repairs Project
Any Other Committee Business that May be Brought Before the Committee
The Open Meetings Law of the State of New York requires that all public bodies conduct meetings, convened for the purpose of officially conducting public business, in a manner open to attendance by the general public to observe and listen.
Will there be any discussion at May 7 Operations Advisory Committee meeting about transportation problems caused by the large crowds at the Cherry Blossom Festival and any RIOC preparations being made for the upcoming June 1-2 Figment NYC event to prevent similar occurrence?Ms Rosenthal replied:
Do not see anything on the Agenda about this issue.
Yes, Shelton will report on our planning at NYCEM.Shelton Haynes is RIOC's Chief Operating Officer.