Friday, May 10, 2019

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Chief Jack McManus Announces Retirement As Of June 30 Due To World Trade Center Related Illness, Brought Real Community Policing To Roosevelt Island - Will Continue To Serve Roosevelt Island Public Safety Consulting On Various Projects, Thank You Jack For Your Service

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Susan Rosenthal announced at yesteday's RIOC Board Meeting that Public Safety Department (PSD) Chief Jack McManus is retiring as of June 30.

Chief McManus, or Jack, as Roosevelt Island residents fondly refer to him,

 Chief McManus (2nd from Right) With Ms Rosental (Right) And PSD Officers In 2018

sends the following message to the Roosevelt Island community:
Hello. This is Jack McManus from your Public Safety Department (PSD). Some of you may know that I was diagnosed with a serious World Trade Center related illness approximately five (5) months ago. Due to ongoing treatments, side effects from the treatments, and a lot of doctor appointments, I have been forced to make adjustments to my work schedule. Most weeks I am on the Island and in my office on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Recently, my physician informed me that I will have to continue these treatments for the foreseeable future, which will necessitate the continuation of my abbreviated work schedule. PSD Deputy Director Kevin Brown has been standing in for me and doing a phenomenal job. Deputy Brown has been with us for almost three (3) years, and he has a solid commitment to the Roosevelt Island Community -- to keeping everyone safe, improving the quality of life on the Island, and continuing to police within the Community Policing Model which has proven to be successful on Roosevelt Island.

After discussions with the RIOC Executive Team, we have agreed that as of June 30th my position as Chief/Director of PSD will come to an end, but I will continue to actively participate in significant public safety activities on the Island. For example, for the upcoming Figment NYC festival I intend to participate in all strategy sessions and coordinate with NYCEM, NYPD, FDNY, MTA, EDC and other city and state agencies to improve logistical and safety plans for this and all future large events.

RIOC president/CEO Susan Rosenthal has also asked me to take the lead on planning and implementing security and life safety communications throughout the Island, and I am committed to sharing my knowledge and experience on this and other major projects.

I look forward to seeing everyone whenever I am on the Island and cannot overstate how good it feels to walk down the street and encounter our community members while I’m “on the beat”. It’s always good to see you and I can’t thank you enough for asking me how I’m feeling. Simply put, it means the world to me.


Jack McManus
Chief McManus has served Roosevelt Island since June 2013, following a tumultuous period where the relationship between Public Safety and many in the Roosevelt Island community was very poor. Chief McManus brought professionalism, openness, courtesy and smile to the relationship between PSD and the Roosevelt Island community.

Here's one of his earliest public meetings in 2013 with the Roosevelt Island community and Chief McManus at the 2018 Roosevelt Island Tree Lighting Ceremony last December.

His daily presence on Roosevelt Island will be missed.

RIOC President Susan Rosenthal invites you to retirement party for Chief McManus on June 26 at Good Shepherd Chapel.

Best wishes for a full recovery to Chief Jack McManus.