Wednesday, March 18, 2020

RIOC Coronavirus Emergency Update - Reduces Weekday Red Bus Schedule To Every 15 Minutes, Non Essential Services Suspended, Farmers Market Moving To Good Shepherd Plaza This Saturday And Is More Social Distancing Needed On Roosevelt Island Tram

Last Monday, I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Susan Rosenthal:

Any plans to change or reduce schedule of the Roosevelt Island Tram and Red Bus?

Also, any plan to require reduce passenger capacity on the Roosevelt Island tram for Coronavirus social distancing purposes - keeping as much space as possible between riders?

Have you heard anything about Coler Hospital being used to increase number of NYC hospital beds?

Please keep me in loop regarding any developments.
RIOC Public Information Officer Terrence McCaluley replied later that day:
You and the public will be informed as we get word of what’s happening.

As we said in last night’s update, we do not plan on reducing the amount of Red Bus service at this time. There are no plans to reduce the amount of Tram service or limit customers at this time. However, it is a fluid situation and we encourage everyone to stay tuned for updates.
Today, two days later, RIOC announced:

 As of Thursday, March 19th, the Red Bus will operate on a Weekend Service Schedule until further notice. This means the bus will make all local stops every 15 minutes from 5:30 AM - 2:30 AM. There will be no Octagon Express Bus Service.

Please remember that this is a fluid situation and subject to change. Please check regularly for more information.
As a resident notes last week, the Tram can use some needed Social Distancing to minimize the space between passengers

Perhaps, the Coronavirus Pandemic emergency has reduced sightseeing tourists on the Roosevelt Island Tram, but if not, RIOC should find a way for the Tram to be used only by residents and workers.

Here's the latest update from RIOC:
We know these are trying times for everyone on Roosevelt Island and throughout the world. Although many of our offices and facilities may be closed until further notice, it is important to remember that RIOC is still here working for our residents and stakeholders. Our staff is either on site or working remotely.

Feel free to reach out to us at any time with any questions you might have. As circumstances change rapidly around the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, we encourage everyone to continue to monitor our website and social media platforms for the latest on all RIOC services.

Here is a brief summary of where we stand now:

RIOC Suspends All Non-essential Services

Although many of our non-essential services have been suspended, the Public Safety Department is still operating as usual, our Grounds Department staff are still cleaning comfort stations, the AVAC center and picking up trash. Our Facilities Department is also on call to make repairs as needed. All of this is an effort to maintain the health and safety of our residents and stakeholders.

Please click here for an updated list about what services have been suspended until further notice.

Red Bus Service Change

As of 3/19/2020, the Red Bus will operate on a Weekend Service Schedule until further notice. This means the bus will make all local stops every 15 minutes from 5:30 AM - 2:30 AM. There will be no Octagon Express Bus Service.

Important Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Governor Cuomo and his administration have been working around the clock to respond to the virus. If you have any questions or concerns about the virus, please contact the NYS Department of Health’s Novel Coronavirus Hotline at 1-888-364-3065 or visit:

Please note that RIOC is in constant contact with the Governor’s office in Albany and receives several daily briefings on the efforts to address the outbreak. We will keep you informed of the latest measures and information as we receive it.

Senior Citizens Outreach

If you know anyone who is elderly and needs assistance of any kind, please contact PSD at 212-832-4545. We will be glad to ensure they get all the help they need.

Farmer’s Market To Be Held This Saturday (Not a typo)

The Farmer’s Market and Food Scrap Drop-Off is expected to be held in the Good Shepherd Plaza this Saturday, March 21, 2020. This is subject to change and all social distancing practices should be followed.

There are many ways you can Stay in Touch with RIOC

Get breaking news by signing up for RIOC Advisories by clicking here:

Use our Occupant Help Center portal to report a problem by clicking here:

If you need assistance or need to report a crime, call PSD directly at 212-832-4545.