Sunday, March 15, 2020

Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 Parent Tests Positive For Coronavirus - Governor Cuomo And Mayor de Blasio Announce NYC Public Schools Closing Tomorrow Due To Coronavirus Emergency, Hope To Reopen April 20

Earlier today, a Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217

parent shared a letter received from school Principal Mandana Beckman last Friday. According to this excerpt of Ms Beckman's letter:
... We would like to make clear that at this time no member of our student body or school staff has a confirmed case of coronavirus.

A member of our school community who has identified themselves at potentially higher risk for contracting the virus is at home in voluntary self-quarantine.

We are following citywide guidance to urge any member of our school community who is feeling sick to stay home. Please remember that it is cold and flu season, and no absence, for any amount of time, should be interpreted as a coronavirus-related absence.

I can reassure all of you that if the City of New York confirms a case of coronavirus within our school, the school community would be immediately notified by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and myself, and next steps would be clearly outlined without delay....
I asked Principal Beckman if the Coronavirus test results were positive and:
Will the school will be open on Monday and rest of this week?

Have not received any reply yet.

Two separate reliable sources have told me that PS/IS 217 community member is a Queens Parent who did test positive.

Here's the full letter from Principal Beckman

This afternoon NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced:

And Mayor de Blasio adds: