Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happy St Patrick's Day From Roosevelt Island - Check Out Our Virtual Irish Bar, Grab A Pint Of Your Favorite Brew And Hear Some Great Music From Mae Raney & Henry Raber

Mae Raney is a theater teacher at our local Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance (MST&DA). According to MST&DA Executive Director Kristi Towey:

Mae has performed in several shows here and in numerous theaters around the city. She and Henry Raber perform in Irish bars all over Manhattan and were set to perform for the Roosevelt Island Disabled Association (RIDA) St. Patrick’s Day event.
Unfortunately, the RIDA St Patrick Day event was cancelled due to the Coronavirus health emergency as were any celebrations today.

But now imagine yourself with a pint of Guinness or whatever your favorite drink is and enjoy this wonderful St Patrick’s Day Facebook performance by Mae and Henry.  They're great, hope to see them live sometime.

Mae invites us to:
Come hang out for a virtual St Paddy’s celebration with Henry Raber and I!

Check out Mae Raney's Facebook page for more info.

Also, MST&DA:
... is Closed at this time until March 30th due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Please continue to check your email and the website for updates. We are sharing virtual classes with our current registered students. If you have questions, email us at info@mstda.org