RIOC Taking Precautions To Help Stop Spread Of Corona Virus - Disinfecting Roosevelt Island Red Bus, Tram And Other Facilities With Bleach To Decrease Potential Exposure, What Else Can Be Done Asks Resident
Earlier this week, reported that the Roosevelt Island Duane Reade Pharmacy was sold out of face masks and hand sanitizers
due to health concerns about the Corona virus.
In reply to my inquiry suggesting the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) place outdoor hand sanitizers on the street, RIOC Public Information Officer Terrence McCauley replied:
We are exploring several sanitation options throughout the island.Yesterday Mr. McCauley announced:
At the direction of Governor Cuomo, RIOC and its partners have been working together to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.
Last week, RIOC’s Transportation Department began to extensively clean its Red Buses throughout the day to decrease potential exposure to the coronavirus. All steering wheels, grab rails, stanchions and door handles are cleaned with bleach several times a day.
Our Facilities Department and outside cleaning vendor have stepped up their efforts to make sure our public areas are disinfected, using bleach when and where it is safe to use it. We are also distributing Clorox wipes and Lysol Spray to be used at all of our facilities and offices to reduce possible contamination.
POMA, the company that runs our tram service, is treating the tram cars and waiting areas with bleach and other disinfectants every eight hours. (Including handrails, cabin poles, hand strips and floors. The poles and benches are cleaned at the beginning of each rush hour shift, daily. The interior floors and glass walls will be sanitized at least once every 8 hours. The turnstiles and handrails at the stations will be sanitized at least once every 72-hour period by POMA, in addition to MTA’s daily disinfecting protocols, for turnstiles, MetroCard machines, and handrails.)
Although washing hands for twenty seconds under hot water is the best way to kill the virus, hand sanitizing gel has been distributed to RIOC and POMA staff who may not have access to soap and water on a regular basis.
RIOC will continue to keep everyone informed about our efforts to combat the virus. For the latest on Governor Cuomo’s efforts to combat the coronavirus, please visit
Please click here to read more:
A long time Roosevelt Island resident:
... since March 6th, 1983 - Today, my 37th Anniversary...shares this report sent today to RIOC in response to their Corona virus announcement:
This is still all good & well-intended, but not without some more immediate action. Including some guidance signage on buses, etc.RIOC's Mr McCauley replied:
I just got off a south-bound Red Bus driven by a RIOC long-timer. An elderly man waiting with us at 10 River Road, after smoking, coughing, spitting up, and then wiping his mouth with his bare hand, got on the Bus by gripping 2 poles/handrails....
Icky on all levels.
Mentioned this to our Driver when I got off the Bus -- and frankly, I was disappointed to learn that the Drivers don't even have a box/container of sanitizing wipes or gloves to even occasionally (maybe by the Octagon & the Tram?) wipe down the handrails on the bus doors, sides, etc.
Our Drivers, who really should not have to do this, should, at the very least, be able to take care of "their" workspace in-between what ever other RIOC staff are doing. This is not brain surgery or rocket science....
Rumor has it that RIOC may want Drivers to wear masks -- a bad idea.
Thanks for following up -- with some public displays of precautions...
... There are no plans to give our drivers masks at this time since they do not prevent against infection.Here's the latest from Governor Cuomo on the Corona virus outbreak in New York.
They only help prevent the spread of a flu if one is infected.
As proper cleaning materials such as glove and sprays and wipes are in short supply, drivers had been instructed to let Cy know when they needed a bus to be cleaned at the end of each run. This is in addition to the cleaning we already mentioned earlier this week. However, we are in the process of giving the drivers Lysol sprays and gloves and wipes as supplies allow.
Thank you for letting us know about what you see out there. It’s always appreciated.
gUPDATE: There are now 33 confirmed cases of #Coronavirus in NYS — 11 new positive tests since yesterday.— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) March 6, 2020
All new cases are connected to the original New Rochelle case.
As we do more tests, the number of positive cases will rise, as we are seeing.
There are 44 New Yorkers under mandatory quarantine.— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) March 6, 2020
Mandatory quarantine applies to those who:
-Have tested positive for #Coronavirus
-Have had direct contact (within 6 ft) with person who tested positive
-Returned from country with level 2 or 3 travel notice & has symptoms
Happening Now: Updating New Yorkers with the latest information on #Coronavirus and the state's response.— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) March 6, 2020
More at this prior post.
Update. Except that cabin did not pick up the waiting riders. Next cabin arrived minutes later for pick up. Cabins disinfected every 8 hours
— Roosevelt Islander (@Rooseveltisland) March 7, 2020