Friends Of Coler Organizing On Roosevelt Island To Help Coler Rehab & Nursing Care Center Patients & Staff During Coronavirus Pandemic - Seeking Donation Of Personal Protective Supplies And Volunteers To Pick Up And Sanitize 3D Printed Face Shields From Cornell Tech Makers Lab This Weekend, Can You Help?
As previously reported, the Friends Of Coler are a group of Roosevelt Island residents organizing to help the patients and staff of NYC Health & Hospitals Corp (HHC) Coler Facility during the Coronavirus pandemic. The Friends Of Coler are responding to calls for help from highly vulnerable patients and staff like this plea for N 95 masks by a Coler nurse
and this response submitted by a Coler resident to an online suggestion box set up by the Friends Of Coler:
I'm a resident of Coler Hospital. Last week they brought a patient from Elmhurst hospital and put him in my room. A 3 bed room right between me and my other roomate. Within days this patient developed a fever and couldn't breathe. He would cough the whole night, and was given a breathing machine that wasn't helping him to much. 2 days ago he was sent back to the Hospital. Then last night, Hospital workers came and took the bed he was on away. When i asked why they said they had to disinfected. What does that tell you? That my life was put in danger by administration being irresponsible and careless.Here's an update today from Friends Of Coler.
Friends of Coler are coordinating together on Roosevelt Island to help Coler Rehab & Nursing Care Center during the COVID-19 crisis.More responses to the Coler online suggestion box here.
Roosevelt Islanders remain very worried for friends, family, neighbors living and working at Coler Rehab and Nursing Care Center. We are continuing efforts to get detailed oversight to provide the safest medical practices available and get supplies to Coler staff and residents.
Friends of Coler is coordinating with Assembly Member Seawright’s office to donate supplies early next week to Coler. Gloves, masks, sanitizer, disinfectant wipes are all welcome at this time, especially N95 masks. Please email to give supplies to Coler.
Friends of Coler has connected Seawright’s office with Cornell Tech’s MakerLAB and they are making 50 face shields to be finished over the weekend and donated to Coler. If anyone would like to volunteer for picking up and sterilizing 3d printed parts over the weekend, they can email: This will require the following:
General update:
- Pick up a box of fifty 3d printed head visors at Cornell Tech to be sterilized.
- Soak ~50 frames at a time in bleach for an hour [1/3 cup bleach to 1 gallon water], then
- Rinse in water
- Soak in 95% ethanol, and then
- Transfer to a forced-air drying station using a hair dryer.
- Pack dried up parts into 5 one gallon ziplock bags.
As you may realize, there is now a new hospital entity with new administrators inside the Coler Rehab and Nursing Care Center. This entity is called Roosevelt Island Medical Center and elected officials have mentioned 100-300 new beds.
Patients are arriving from other places. Current health compromised residents of Coler have to share the building facility though official statements report complete separation. There is a shortage of staff/care for Coler Nursing Care residents due to sickness and staff not wanting to come in due to lack of PPE for them.
An online suggestion box for Coler staff and residents has been set up and we would like to share this more widely for Coler community staff, residents, families, and friends.
Here's more on Cornell Tech Maker's Lab 3D printing masks and face shields
While non-medical use fabric masks are already in production on #rooseveltisland , we are prototyping how can we covert this 3d Printed masks with minimal 3d printing and adapting the craft of sewing in the #MakerLAB @cornell_tech #designingforcrisis— Niti Parikh (@designNPS) March 24, 2020
Using 3D printers and vinyl cutters, @Cornell_Tech turned its MakerLab into a face shield-making factory.— BerlinRosen (@BerlinRosen) April 7, 2020
Check out the amazing work their students are doing to support healthcare workers.
and a report from Vice news
As hospitals are running dangerously low on protective gear, 3D-printing is helping protect health workers.— VICE News (@vicenews) March 29, 2020
You can contact Friends Of Coler here.